High End Research Facility
The University has research labs in each department and are provided with workstations and other special needs of the students are catered to at these labs.
The university has established Innovation Centre. The innovation centre houses a state of art Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) to boost R & D activities to improve the quality of research publication for enhancing the ranking and brand image of the university.
The Centre facilitates the faculty members to successfully run the extramural research and consultancy projects for generation of external funds for self sustenance of Innovation Centre.
NABL accreditation is being obtained for the Innovation Centre for extending services other academic institutions and industries for generating revenue for self sustenance.
To meet with the increasing requirements of researchers working in specific areas, the University entered into MOUs with developed Memoranda of Understanding with National laboratories of ICMR, CSIR and DRDO to facilitates exchange of researchers/teachers to each other's Institutes and development of collaborative research projects. Thus the major equipment facilities available in those laboratories are thus made available to researchers of Bundelkhand University